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Defer Tax With a Section 1031 Exchange, but New Limits Apply This Year
The Pass-Through Provisions of The TCJA: The Devil is in The Details
Casualty Losses Can Provide a 2017 Deduction, but Rules Tighten for 2018
Make Sure Repairs to Tangible Property Were Actually Repairs Before You Deduct the Cost
Seven Ways to Prepare Your Business for Sale
What’s Your Mileage Deduction?
Tax Credit For Hiring From Certain “Target Groups” Can Provide Substantial Tax Savings
Use Benchmarking to Swim With the Big Fish
Turning Employee Ideas Into Profitable Results
TCJA Temporarily Lowers Medical Expense Deduction Threshold
Light a Beacon to Your Business With a Mission Statement
Meals, Entertainment and Transportation May Cost Businesses More Under the TCJA
Personal Exemptions and Standard Deductions and Tax Credits, Oh My!
Most Individual Tax Rates Go Down Under the TCJA