Audit & Assurance Solutions
Ensure confidence and compliance in equal measure with the most precise financial picture of your operation

Whether your company needs a financial statement review, an audit for financing to satisfy the requirements of creditors, or an adherence plan to meet government regulations, BGM can help. Regardless of the assurance level required, we provide the audit, review, compilation, preparation, and agreed-upon procedures services needed to thoroughly understand your business and your goals. We will identify and address any issues with internal controls, business processes, cash flow, and other areas.
How We Help
01 Audits, Reviews and Compilations
BGM provides audit, review, compilation, preparation, and agreed-upon procedures services. Our services are customized to your needs, including financing: financial institutions, private placements, crowdfunding; adhering to government regulations: DOL, HUD, federal and state government; reporting to non-participating owners; or to ensure your financial records are accurate.
BGM offers more than just a compliance audit and the independent review of a company’s financial statements. We believe that a well-planned and properly conducted audit or review can provide valuable insight into a company’s operational efficiencies, internal controls, weaknesses, and opportunities. With this goal in mind, our audits are designed to provide information to improve internal controls and procedures, as well as, proactive tax planning strategies.
An audit is the highest level of financial statement services a CPA firm can provide. The objective of an audit is for the auditor to express an opinion about whether the financial statements prepared by management are fairly presented, in all material respects, while also evaluating the conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) or, if applicable, with a special purpose framework (SPF).
An audit consists of obtaining an understanding of internal control and assessing fraud risk. It also requires corroborating the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements by obtaining audit evidence through inquiry, physical inspection, observation, third-party confirmations, examination, analytical procedures, and other procedures.
A review of financial statements includes the performance of analytical procedures, inquiries, and other procedures. The objective of a review is to provide reasonable basis for expressing limited assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the statements in order for them to be in conformity with U.S. GAAP or, if applicable, with a SPF.
Compilation is a presentation of financial statements that are the representation of management without attempting to express any assurance on the statements themselves.
Preparation is a non-attest service when financial statements are issued that have not been audited, reviewed, or compiled.
Agreed-Upon Procedures
Agreed-upon procedures involve the performance of specific procedures where findings are reported without attempting to express any assurance about the subject matter.
02 Service Organization Control (SOC)
The AICPA created a Service Organization Control (SOC) reporting framework that enables CPAs to offer service organizations the kind of assurance that their customers and business partners are demanding. At BGM, we perform SOC engagements based on industry-recognized audit standards and frameworks.
A SOC report is often requested by organizations that receive significant services from a service organization and the user entities’ auditors.
Examples of services organizations include:
- Application service providers
- Claims processing centers
- Fulfillment centers
- Data centers
- Payroll and billing service providers
- Real estate title and closing companies
Different Service Organization Control services BGM provides:
SOC 1 – Report on Controls at a Service Organization Relevant to User Entities’ Internal Control over Financial Reporting – This report is specifically designed to meet the needs of the entities that use service organizations (user entities) and the CPAs who audit these entities’ financial statements (user auditors). The purpose is to evaluate the effect of the controls at the service organization on user entities’ financial statements. The use of these reports is restricted to the management of the service organization, user entities, and user auditors.
SOC 2 – Report on Controls at a Service Organization Relevant to Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality and/or Privacy Principles – This report is designed for a broad range of users that need information and assurance about the controls at a service organization. As it relates to security, availability, processing confidentiality or privacy. The use of this report is generally restricted to parties who have knowledge of a service organization’s services and IT environment.
SOC 3 – This report is designed to meet the needs of users who desire assurance about the controls at a service organization that cover the same five principles as the SOC 2, but do not have the need for the details contained in a SOC 2 Report. Because they are general-use reports, SOC 3 reports can be freely distributed or posted on a website.
SSAE 18 Readiness Consulting – Many clients are unsure about the necessary steps that must be in place before effectively beginning the examination process for SOC engagements. With BGM’s Readiness Consulting Service, we can help make your SOC flow smoothly and efficiently. Even before the examination begins, we will assist your company through the process of preparation.
03 Employee Benefit Plan Audit
Employee benefit plan audits are subject to certain regulations and are mandated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The plan’s administrator has the ultimate responsibility to adhere to these requirements.
BGM is a member of the AICPA’s Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center. Our team of dedicated employee benefit plan professionals have strong technical knowledge of GAAP and ERISA requirements.
We offer a complimentary initial consultation to discuss your needs. Reach out to learn more or schedule a meeting to get started.
04 Peer Review
BGM is devoted to taking the extra steps to assure that we meet the highest professional standards of quality. Every three years, our quality controls are examined by specially trained CPAs from outside firms and the results of our Peer Review Reports are available to the public.
BGM is a member of the Private Companies Practice Section of the AICPA’s Division for CPA Firms. We have successfully completed eight independent peer reviews of our audit and accounting practice. We are proud to have received unmodified reports on our reviews, signifying that our Firm adheres to the most rigorous criteria of our profession. The criteria was established by the Division for CPA Firms of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Peer review is one of the requirements for membership in the Division, which was organized in 1977 and BGM has been a member since our Firm was founded. Business owners, board members, and bankers realize the importance of retaining a CPA firm that is a member of the Division and that the firm has satisfactory Peer Review Reports.
In addition to participation in our professional peer review programs, BGM was in the first group of firms registered with the newly established Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) on October 22, 2003. This board was established by Congress to provide oversight of accounting firms and institute new accounting standards for U.S. public companies.
We offer a complimentary initial consultation to discuss your needs. Reach out to learn more or schedule a meeting to get started.